Blog, Poems in English

English Poems by Dinesh Kumar Sharma

Count your blessings

The flow of life never abates

Be it summer or winter it never cessates

Life leaves memories behind

Some bitter

Some sour

Some sweet

Some harsh, some kind

It’s these memories

The life is made of

Their images flash in mind

When you sit back and rewind

Cherish the pleasant memories

Of days which were better spent

I wish I could erase from my diaries

The memories I recall and repent

The lessons life teaches

Get imprinted on our soul

Fly like a free bird

Go with the flow

Count your blessings

Whenever you feel low


Dreams are my companion

When I am in slumber

I meet people I have never seen

I see places I have never been

How does it happen I often wonder

I dream of hills and lakes

I see lions and snakes

I often see my mom

I yearn to meet her

When I am awake

I run after trains

And miss the flights

At times I witness

A riot of colors

As if watching Northern lights

Often rain drenches me to the core

Flowers blossom and birds sing a lore

I wake up bedazzled asking for more

Come join me in the world of dreams

They are scary and enchanting at times

Dreams are a mystery so it seems

Be nice to yourself

Be nice to yourself

Pause and relax often

Discover your inner self

Spend some time alone

Look within engage with self

Hear the music within

That goes on and on

Dance in tandem with it

You will never moan or groan

Love and pamper

Often reward yourself

Because you deserve it

Be your own favorite

Let none be a damper

Be your best friend

If you’re happy within

You spread joy

How well you led your life

Is all that matters in the end


Challenges test our commitment every day

As obstacles come and block our way

We feel defeated

We feel cheated

We tend to give up

And want to run away

The goal looks like a distant dream

Our efforts were lacking so it seems

Howsoever daunting it may appear

Get up and overcome your fear

When the things get tough

The tough gets going

As you keep on marching

Your faith in self keeps growing

Never give up is the call

With faith and courage

You can surmount every wall

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